sábado, 11 de abril de 2020

Alumni, Noory Abouharous Shares His Experience Of Working In The Games Industry.

Great to have a visit from one of our Alumni this week!
Our UCLan Games Design students and lecturers enjoyed hearing about Noory Abouharous's experience of working in the industry as a designer at TT_Games :)

It was great for students to hear about the expectations and discipline of working in design and how exciting it is to work for a major games design company like TT.

Noory emphasised how important it is for students to really 'learn' from their course tutorials and practise the techniques as much as possible to progress. He explained that when working in a team, communication is key. You cannot pick who's on your team, so you must aim to interact well with all members. Scheduling is paramount when working professionally so it's good to get into the discipline of time management while you're a student.
He also shared the importance of networking and showcasing your work, to get to know others in the industry and to read books that broaden your knowledge of games and design.

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