sábado, 28 de marzo de 2020

You’ll Only Have Each Other, Short Film, Review And Interview

You'll Only Have Each Other is an investigation into an individual's psyche as they deal with the combination of grief, regret, and blame. The imagery used to reflect her emotional state leaves you questioning if it is what she is seeing or creating within her own thoughts.

I saw You'll Only Have Each Other at the 2019 FilmQuest film festival (website). It was nominated for Best Student Short.


After the death of her mother, a disconnected daughter, Maggie, struggles to reconnect with her twin brother and must now face her demons and accept responsibility for what she has done, of forever be haunted by her past mistakes.

The writer/director, Allison-Eve Hammersley, took some time to talk about what inspired You'll Only Have Each Other and her becoming a film maker. There is also news about what she is working on and other things she likes to do.

What was the inspiration for You'll Only Have Each Other?

I wrote and directed You'll Only Have Each Other because about two years ago my mother was diagnosed with cancer—she's completely healthy now—and when I found out I was living in Los Angeles while she was in CT. I struggled a lot with the fear of not wanting to go home and see her like that... that shame is what really inspired the film. I wanted to exorcise myself of it.

What project(s) do you have coming up you're excited about?

I'm currently in post for a film with AT&T Hello Lab called Fragile.com. It's a teen thriller about a girl who in an attempt to finally feel seen and be told she's special winds up live streaming herself crying on a website for men to tune in and watch. It's a sick and fun short that will be premiering in November 2019. You can follow me on instagram at @alison_hammersley for more details!

What was your early inspiration for pursuing a career in film?

I was 8 years old when my dad let me watch The Exorcist for the first time. I remember starting the film while it was light out and by the time it was over the sun had set and it was completely dark inside. I had never been so scared in my life. Ever since then I was hooked—I wanted to be able to make people feel like that.

What would be your dream project?

I'd love to make my own Hereditary—just an epic, emotionally driven, elevated horror piece that ruins the audience from the inside. I love this trend of story first and horror later that's happening for genre right now. I've always been more excited to make films that have the horror come out of the characters, to make tangible what's happening internally for them. So I'd really like to do that one a grander scale.

What are some of your favorite pastimes when not working on a movie?

I'm a huge fan of immersive theater. It really takes that idea of escapism to another level. I'd love to write and direct my own immersive theater piece at some point if I can wrap my head around the mechanics of it.

What is one of your favorite movies and why?
The Shining and Babadook are two of my favorites. Both of those films I think are excellent examples of story and character first and then using horror elements as simply another tool in the director's toolbox for story-telling.

You can find out more about You'll Only Have Each Other on

IMDb (link)
Website (link)

Facebook (link)

You can also watch the trailer on YouTube (link).

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